Bowel cancer is a disease from which a huge amount of people are suffering and dying all over the world. Known as colorectal cancer , a disease that is the third most frequent species of diseases that occurs in men and women, and ends with many deaths annually. The symptoms of colorectal cancer depend on the location of the cancer, how advanced and progressed it is, and how it affects the organs and the tissues. Only one symptom is sufficient to detect the diseas. Several symptoms associated with bowel cancer: Sudden loss of weight One of the common symptoms that is present in many diseases, including colon cancer. Inadvertent weight loss is a loss of 10 kg. or more, which happens around six months, without any particular reasons for it. A colorectal tumor can weaken the body in various ways. If the tumor in the colon grows, the colon can be blocked. This blockage can lead to a sudden loss of weight. Tiredness and weakness Carrying out everyday tasks c...
How to impruve the immunity in baby and children
Immunity not only implies resistance to the organism of infections, but also the ability of the organism to recognize what is own and what is external.
The best way to create immunity in babies is breast milk, or breast-feeding. Breastfeeding is not just a milk intake, but also a communication between the mother and the baby, which encourages the development of the child’s brain.
Breast milk contains all the nutrients that the baby needs for healthy growth and development, as well as antibodies to protect against infections.
When the mother is exposed to contagiosum in her body, proteins are created (immunoglobulin). They pass through the milk to the baby and protect it from diseases. In addition, the maternal milk components such as leukocytes, lactoferrin, lysozyme, etc., participate in the defense of bacteria and viruses.
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